Halal Assessment & Certification Institute Pvt. LTD. (HACI) is a Pakistan based organization that struggle to make sure the availability of Halal products to Muslim consumers through awareness, training’s and evidence based verification.
Istihalah is an agreed concept among Islamic schools of thought but the definition for the extentof such alteration (to be considered as Istihalah) is not agreed. This concept should not be usedfor Halal Certification as it may create ambiguous situation for the global acceptability andcredibility of a certificate. In this regard, the team members of Halal Assessment & CertificationInstitute have published an article that will be used as base line for the integration of the conceptof Istihalah in Halal Standards.
Halal Assessment & Certification Institute Pvt. LTD. (HACI) is a Pakistan based organization that struggle to make sure the availability of Halal products to Muslim consumers through awareness, training’s and evidence based verification.
Dr. Muhammad Jahangir, Science & Technology Park (STP), ORIC, The University of Haripur, Haripur, KPK
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