Dr. Muhammad Jahangir is the chairman for PSQCA Technical Committee on Halal Conformity Assessment. Additionally his inputs are also sought by Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) for standards related to various food systems, mainly for Pakistan Halal Standards and related requirements. Dr. Jahangir is Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) of Halal Assessment & Certification Institute Pvt. Ltd. (estb. 2010), which was the first established Halal Certification organization in Pakistan at the time of its registration. Dr. Jahangir visited a number of countries for Halal auditing of a national and multinational companies and played his role as lead auditor.
Dr. Muhammad Jahangir has done his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rob. Verpoorte, from Natural Product Laboratory, Leiden University, The Netherlands in May 2010 and continued Postdoc in the same University. In addition to his studies, he also worked for multiple years as International Halal auditor in Halal Feed & Food Inspection Authority, The Netherlands. In addition to his main job as auditor, Dr. Jahangir was also assigned the task of linkages development and so he was among the participants of first meeting of European Halal Certifiers Association in Germany. Before going for PhD, he worked in Salman’s corporation Pvt. Ltd., Qarshi Industries Pvt. Ltd. and others.
Soon after coming back to Pakistan, he joined Hazara University and then The University of Haripur as Associate Professor (Food Sciences). He is heading FoodOmics research group at The University of Haripur. His main area of research expeditions includes the exploration of medicinal plants for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity, natural product development and related.
In addition to his main responsibilities of teaching & research as Associate Professor (Food Sciences), Dr. Jahangir was the founding in-charge of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) and presently working as Director of Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC). He is also a member and/or convener of various official committees in The University of Haripur.
He is well-known for his expertise in research, innovation, commercialization and business incubation. He did presentations in various national and international conferences and seminars, whereas joined a number of trainings in various countries around the world (including; Pakistan, The Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Indonesia, USA and others). Furthermore he has research publications in peer-reviewed journals, having total impact factor of above 48, citations of his work are above 733 and total h-index 12. Among others, he authored a review commentary entitled as “Halal status of ingredients after physicochemical alteration (Istihalah)”, in Trends in Food Science & Technology (Impact Factor: 5.191). He is also a reviewer of various national and international journals of well repute.
Halal Assessment & Certification Institute Pvt. LTD. (HACI) is a Pakistan based organization that struggle to make sure the availability of Halal products to Muslim consumers through awareness, training’s and evidence based verification.
Dr. Muhammad Jahangir, Science & Technology Park (STP), ORIC, The University of Haripur, Haripur, KPK
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