Halal Assessment and Certification Institute is a leading organisation in pakistan working for food safety and Halal specially foucs on SMEs across the country to help them grow. We have been trying to come up with innovative new initiatives to help support SMEs during the difficult business environment created as a result of the Corona virus pandemic. Similar to our efforts, foodpanda has been on boarding home-based food businesses to assist them in remaining operational during the COVID-19 pandemic. To help build the capacity of these enterprises, HACI in collaboration with foodpanda, is organizing a series of online ‘Food Handling and Hygiene’ trainings for these home-based chefs. These trainings will cover topics related to food business management, services, and deliveries during the ongoing pandemic and will be facilitated by USAID Small and Medium Enterprises Activity (SMEA) , an expert firm contracted by USAID for financial support. SMEA will evaluate applications for this training on a first come first served basis.
Halal Assessment and Certification Institute will conduct trainings as well as will provide certificate.
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